Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Scottish Independance again again

The time is drawing closer. The day of reckoning is nigh. September the 19th is the day people living in Scotland get to choose whether they should be an independent sovereign nation. Note I did not say "the Scottish" because anyone living in Scotland and registered to vote gets a say. Scotland has it's fair share of immigrants too.

I am not going over the arguments for and against just now. From all the information I have seen it is a game of swings and roundabouts - what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts. 

A recent BBC documentary by their Economics editor Rob Peston claimed as much so it must be true. 

However one of my fears from an earlier post was that I didn't want the nation split down the middle. My preference for the vote is that it goes overwhelmingly in one direction. I do not much mind which way it goes so long as it is a resounding victory. 

JK Rowling (Harry Potter etc) has added to the story by donating funds for the Better
Together campaign amidst claims of cyber bullying amongst the intelligentsia of Edinburgh to go for Independence. These people are already bitter enough at being run from Westminster and if this bid for separation fails what will it be like for them then? I would wish for independence for them if only to stop them bleating about "the B****rd English" any problems would then become their own.

I wonder what the SNP want from Europe though? The general current in Brussels is that Europe will eventually become a federal state. The concept may come and go like the tide but the evidence is that we have come a long way towards it since 1973 when the UK joined. 
The SNP want to be part of the EU economic Zone but having gained power back from Westminster how will they react when having to give it to Brussels instead? That could be a long way down the road to be honest and quite possibly when the oil has run out and Scotland will be banging on any door to let themselves in at that time.

All in all this is an exciting moment for Scotland. This will be a turning point in Scottish affairs of that I am certain. Independence may just be the best way for Scotland to develop in a rational and fair way. The danger in England is that London is subsuming everything. I believe London to be sucking the life out of the regions. It seems to have reached critical mass where business cannot survive if too far from London. Scotland may also fall into this morass if it should select to stay with the UK. 
06:20 to Glasgow Central?

My evidence for  this is that the original plan for HS2 not only didn't even reach all the way to the north of England, it wasn't even  destined to reach all the way to Birmingham, never mind anywhere beyond Carlisle. And it still doesn't. Personally I would love to see TGV duplex trains travelling to Glasgow.

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